Research of Quality of Life Levels of University Students According to The Steps of Exercise Behavior Change (Aydın Province Example)
This study aims to examine the life levels according to the exercise performance change stages at the university. The relational screening model was used in the study. The data agreed at Aydın Adnan Menderes University on the study date of the study were created. The first part of the study was personal information formula, the second part was the Quality of Life Scale, and the third part was the Therapy Behavior Change Stages Questionnaire. The Quality of Life Scale used in the study was developed by Ware et al. (1996), its Turkish adaptation was made by Soylu and Kütük, (2022), and the Exercise Behavior Change Stages Questionnaire was developed by Marcus and Lewis, (2003), and its Turkish adaptation was made by Cengiz et al., (2010). The data were analyzed with the SPSS 25.0 package program. In the study, the normality test of the data was evaluated according to the kurtosis and skewness coefficients, and it was seen that these values were between ± 2 and it was determined that the recorded normal distribution was (George and Mallery, 2016). In the analysis of data, frequency and percentage calculations and reliability rate programming were made using Cronbach alpha programming, One-Way Anova Analysis, Independent Sample T Test and Pearson generalized test. It was determined that there was a change between exercise change steps and age variability, there was a change between exercise change steps and quality of life gender variable, there was a change between exercise performance change steps and age variability, there was a significant difference between exercise behavior change and quality of life exercise performance variable. As a result of the research, it was determined that there was a very low level of significant and negative relationship between the physical sub-dimension in the living areas of universities and exercise performance change steps.
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