Multi-Purpose Use of Public Sports Facilities as a Strategic Approach
Sports facilities, recreational activities, gyms, stadiums, multi-purpose useAbstract
The idea that the physical life of public sports facilities is longer than their functional life has made it necessary for these facilities to be built in a way that can respond to changing needs over time, more functional, ergonomic and suitable for multi-purpose use. Multi-purpose use in architecture means that a space can transform into different spatial forms at the same time and meet different needs. Multi-purpose use is provided by structural elements that offer portable solutions such as folding walls, sliding surfaces, etc. Multi-purpose use of public sports facilities is possible by designing them to allow the use of more than one type of activity. The fact that sports areas are the only areas that the public can use for recreational activities highlights the functional features of the facilities in these areas together with their usage periods. Today, multi-purpose use is explained by the fact that sports facilities can be enlarged when necessary, their technical equipment can be changed and they can be adapted to new situations. In this study, the importance of multi-purpose use of public sports facilities for society and individuals is emphasized. A good strategic planning is required for the efficient use of public sports facilities not only for sports but also for education, culture and art. This will contribute to the multi-faceted development of societies and will also contribute to the development of mass sports by increasing the hours of use of these facilities. Therefore, it has been concluded that the multi-purpose use of public sports facilities should be evaluated and supported as a strategic approach.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ramazan EKİZ, İcla TÜRKELİ, Baycan TUNCER, Melike BAYAZIT, Özkan MERMİ, Ali AKYÜZ, Derya MÜKELLEF
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